Rhizoma zingiberis (fresh ginger)

Bild vom Ingwer

Rhizoma zingiberis belongs to the Zingiberaceae family (ginger plants).

Ginger has outstanding significance not only in Chinese medical teachings, but also in Chinese dietetics. Zingiberis influences the lung, spleen and stomach change phases and is assigned to the group of pungent, warm and surface freeing medicines.

According to Chinese ideas, Zingiberis is capable of loosening up and freeing the surface (Extima) and dispersing algor. For this reason, Zingiberis is administered with particular frequency to treat light colds.

But Zingiberis is also capable of transforming cold mucus (Pituita algida), and is outstandingly effective in the treatment of bronchial mucus and a runny nose, shivering, fever and headaches as well as nausea, vomiting, feelings of fullness and vomiting during pregnancy.

Chronic coughing processes can be treated most beneficially with Zingiberis; it also has a major role as an antidote, however, and is effective in countering certain types of intoxication such as fish poisoning.
As far as our Western needs are concerned, though, Zingiberis is indispensable, particularly for treating the initial stages of colds.

Ginger tea can be brewed for everyday consumption simply by chopping up the ginger peel into small pieces and making a stock with hot, boiling water.

Ginger tea of this kind can, for example, be given to small children to counter nausea and indigestion. It can also be administered to chronically ill patients to increase their appetite during the recuperation phase.

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