Prävention & Therapie

Prevention & Therapy

TCM against stress,
depression and burnout

Kopfschmerzen & Migräne

Headache & Migraine

Get to the bottom
of the many causes

Starkes Immunsystem

Strong immune system

Avoid allergies
and intolerances

Chronische Erkrankungen

Chronic diseases

Compensate energy deficiency
with oxygen cell training

The combination of conventional medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

The best of both worlds for your health and quality of life

How can I promote health, the immune system, metabolism, mental and physical balance and vitality? In case of illness, how can I support the self-healing powers to recover?

Complaints – no matter what kind – often have several triggers. It is therefore important to us that we view you in your entirety and include the interaction between your body, your mind and your soul in the diagnosis and treatment. We combine conventional medical knowledge with the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Our focus is on psychiatric, neurological and psychosomatic diseases.

Conventional medicine and complementary treatments go hand in hand in our practice

Praxis Dr. med. Angela Stahl
Main focus

Neurological syndromes

Neurologically related complaints and diseases are very diverse and complex – they can have far-reaching consequences. Therefore, neurological treatment needs a thorough diagnosis and understanding of the causes. We accompany you with modern diagnostics for quick certainty and optimal, targeted therapy – conventional medicine and TCM/natural healing methods.

Especially in the field of neurology, the need for a holistic approach becomes particularly clear, because the nervous system runs through the entire body. Everything is interconnected.

Main focus

Psychiatric diseases

Negative thoughts and emotions, behaviors that control us, problems with fellow human beings, physical pain… all this can be very stressful.

Psychiatric illnesses can lead to a severe impairment of mental and physical well-being with a significant reduction in quality of life. As specialists in neurology and psychiatry, we make a trusting effort to understand and treat your needs, possibilities and limitations.

The workout for your cells: IHHT

Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Training gets your 70 trillion cells going

A lack of energy in your cells can make you feel tired and exhausted.

Causes of the lack of energy can be chronic psychosomatic stress, overwork, burn out, environmental pollution and heavy metal exposure, as well as post covid syndrome.

When the energy power plants weaken ...

The energy power plants of the cells are the mitochondria. In them, food energy in the form of protein, fat and carbohydrates is converted into cell energy (ATP). Every single cell in your body has its own mitochondria. They provide the energy for all reactions and metabolic processes of your body.

Mitochondria react very easily to external harmful stimuli and lose efficiency. Damaged mitochondria cannot be repaired, but new mitochondria can be formed. One of the ways to weed out diseased mitochondria and form new mitochondria is through oxygen deprivation (hypoxia). Interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (IHHT) is used to increase energy production in your mitochondria. Sugar and fat as energy suppliers are then efficiently converted back into energy.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Are you looking for an effective method against persistent headaches or migraines? Does your back pain drive you to despair, do you suffer from allergies, chronic stomach or intestinal complaints, do you have sleep disorders or do you suffer from stress-related disorders? Do you feel burnt out, your well-being is impaired without a cause having been found yet? Shoulder and neck pain allow only limited movements?

Chinese or Traditional Chinese Medicine has its roots in a time several thousand years ago. In the course of this long time, holistic treatment strategies have developed with acupuncture, Chinese medicines, a special diet and balancing and strengthening exercises.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) assumes that the human body is flowed through by the life energy Qi. With the help of targeted needle pricks, blockages in the flow of qi can be released. Pain can thus be reduced, often even eliminated altogether.


Within the framework of TCM drug therapy, which consists mainly of herbal ingredients, energetic deficiencies can be corrected, congestion regulated, pathogenic factors eliminated and the energetic balance restored.

Nutrition Medicine

Healthy through life

Preventing diseases with healthy nutrition

To stay healthy, our food plays a prominent role. The wrong, unbalanced diet that is too high in calories not only makes you fat, it can also cause or aggravate diseases. Numerous studies show this. On top of that, we don’t exercise enough and are also increasingly under stress.

The diseases that can be traced back to incorrect nutrition include, in addition to so-called obesity, other clinical pictures such as cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases or diabetes (type 2 diabetes), but also headache syndromes or gout.

A change in diet as well as targeted weight management can favorably influence the course of (chronic) diseases. After the analysis of your nutritional behavior and your personal nutrition-specific basic problem, we create individual nutrition plans on request. Often it is also useful to carry out a microbiological diagnosis and intestinal rehabilitation.

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unsere Praxis bleibt vom 28.10.24 bis einschließlich 01.11.24 geschlossen.

Die Vertretung übernimmt: Dr. med. Jens Ole Katzenstein, Garstedter Feldstr. 10, 22850 Norderstedt - Tel.: 040/52876000

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Ihr Praxisteam der Praxis Dr. Stahl und Dr. Zimmermann