Praxis Dr. med. Angela Stahl

Diagnostic methods in neurology and psychiatry

The focus is on the doctor-patient conversation

Especially in our specialist field of neurology and psychiatry, the examination is essentially based on a detailed questioning (anamnesis) of the patient. In the doctor-patient conversation, many symptoms can be classified by describing the symptoms and recording previous illnesses. We talk about your current medical condition, medical history and diseases that run in your family. Your individual life situation and biographical aspects are also a topic.

The detailed anamnesis interview is particularly important to us. Above all, it serves us to gain a holistic picture of you and your complaints. This is the only way to develop a deep understanding of your current illness and symptoms. The initial consultation is supplemented by a detailed clinical and neurological examination.

Praxis Dr. Angela Stahl Behandlungsraum

Diagnostic procedures

The causes of neurological diseases are complex. In our practice we offer you comprehensive diagnostic procedures:

Neurological examination

With the help of, for example the examination of movement sequences, muscle strength, sensitivity, the function of the cranial nerves and, among other things, reflex testing, some neurological diseases can already be ruled out or diagnosed.


The electrophysiological measurements in neurological diagnostics provide information about damage to entire nerve tracts or individual peripheral nerves and are used in various clinical pictures. Electrophysiological studies include the electroencephalogram (EEG), evoked potentials, and electromyography (EMG) and electroneurography (ENG). The latter enable a distinction to be made between fresh and chronic nerve damage or a muscle disease.

EEG (electroencephalography)

With the EEG, electromagnetic, changing surface tensions on the scalp are tapped and recorded. On the one hand, diffuse diseases of the brain, such as dementia, can be differentiated in the electroencephalogram. On the other hand, changes in certain parts of the brain can be displayed. These include for example a brain tumor or an old stroke. The EEG is also of great importance in the field of epilepsy: people suffering from epilepsy are regularly examined for any increased readiness to have seizures.

Evoked Potentials

A neurological examination method is referred to as evoked potentials, with the help of which the conductivity and thus the functionality of nerve tracts can be tested. As part of this examination procedure, we measure the railway systems that direct sensory perception to the brain:

Laboratory diagnostics

By examining the blood, for example, metabolic diseases or inflammatory diseases can be uncovered.

Test examination in dementia and cognitive disorders

With standardized tests, we can detect disorders in memory performance or the mental performance of the brain.

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unsere Praxis bleibt vom 28.10.24 bis einschließlich 01.11.24 geschlossen.

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