
Flos carthami

Flos carthami belongs to the Compositae family (composite flowers). It is regarded as the animantium of the xue. This means that it has strong xue moving effect, and for this reason it is prohibited during pregnancy. Ii is particularly significant in the gynaecological field, where it is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders, menstrual […]

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Concha ostrae (oyster shell)

Concha ostrae belongs to the Ostridae (oysters) group. It is part of the group of reductive, mind-calming medicines and is also used very frequently in the psychiatric field.Thanks to its sedative effects, it is administered in the treatment of excessive heart yang processes that can manifest themselves in restlessness, sleeplessness, anxiety and arrhythmia. Concha ostrae

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Poria (Poria) belongs to the Polyporaceae family. It is a coconut fungus mycelium. Poria has neutral thermal behaviour, a sweet taste and a reductive effect. It is related to the heart, lung, stomach, spleen and kidney feedback circuits. Poria is capable of regulating the water balance and eliminating moisture (Humor).It is administered in the treatment

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Semen coicis (Coix seed)

Semen Coicis belongs to the Gramineae, or grass family. It has a rather cold thermal behaviour and tastes sweet; its effects are reductive.It has a feedback circuit relationship with orbis lienalis, stomachi, pulmonalis and rinalis.The diuretic effect in the treatment of edemas and water accumulations in the body is of outstanding significance. In addition to

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