
Bild der Poria

Poria (Poria) belongs to the Polyporaceae family.

It is a coconut fungus mycelium. Poria has neutral thermal behaviour, a sweet taste and a reductive effect.

It is related to the heart, lung, stomach, spleen and kidney feedback circuits.

Poria is capable of regulating the water balance and eliminating moisture (Humor).
It is administered in the treatment of edemas and swelling and insufficient urination. It is also highly beneficial, though, in the areas of sleeplessness, palpitations and forgetfulness. Poria is one of the most important Chinese medicines for the elimination of moisture.

It is contained in, for example, Ramulus cinnamomi and Poria pill decoction (Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan) and in the very well-known decoction that restores the spleen (Gui Pi Tang).
This decoction is enormously significant in Chinese medicine and is also used very frequently in the treatment of severe exhaustion attributable to a “weakness of the middle”.

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